501(c)(3) nonprofit donation charity charitable health tax exempt help families Caellah's Foundation

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Our Mission

Giving medically complex families the tools to advocate for their children, research for themselves, and empower each other.

Caellah’s Foundation Inc. (dba C.A.R.E.) is a not-for-profit organization incorporated in North Carolina.  The foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization so that donations to the foundation will be fully tax deductible for all individuals and organizations wishing to donate.

The organization operates under the common name C.A.R.E. which stands for Caellah’s foundation for Advocacy, Research, and Empowerment. The name of the foundation and the common name are derived as an outgrowth of the life of Caellah Ireland Allison.  She was a medically complex child who lived for five years.  Her parents (Laverne and Jerry Allison), to honor her memory, have started this foundation to help other families with similar children.

When Caellah was first diagnosed at four months old with a rare genetic condition, her parents found themselves in the center of a lot of medical terminology, treatments, and attitudes.  This foundation has been created to help other families with medically complex children navigate the waters of information, do research for themselves, and help them understand their rights with medical personnel.  Having a medically complex child is complicated enough without having to educate oneself in medical terminology and practices.  C.A.R.E. seeks to help families understand their situation so they can spend more time with their child.

Adults caring for medically complex children also experience more mental illness and get divorces more frequently than adults without medically complex children.  C.A.R.E. seeks to help adults understand their situation better so some of the pressure of caring for a medically complex child is minimized.

How We Fulfill This Mission

1.  We help the family of the newly diagnosed child understand the hospital features to be used for an extended stay at the hospital, including a tour of these features.

2.  We help the family get acclimated to the hospital environment.

3.  We educate the family that they have a right to get an understanding of their child's situation from medical personnel.

4.  We explain how the family on how to use doctor's rounds to their advantage.

5.  We discuss with the family the hospital hierarchy of doctors, nurses, administration, patient advocacy, beacon team, etc.

6.  We discuss parking and transportation systems in the city.

7.  We present the Ronald McDonald House and how to get lodging there or at other locations.

8.  We explain meals offered by charitable organizations, including when and where they can be obtained.

9.  We provide a weekly joint support group for all levels of child care.

10.  We help them connect with the correct clinic after the child is discharged.

11.  We advise on local/regional services that can be accessed.

12.  We refer families to online support groups.

13.  We connect families to out-of-hospital mental health therapy.

14.  We teach families how to advocate and research for themselves.

15.  We contact families at least once a month to keep communication with the families until the child passes.

16.  We send a birthday card and a gift to the child each year.  We also send flowers on Mother's Day and the first child's birthday after the child passes.

Caellah's Foundation is an approved 501(c)(3) charity with the IRS. All donations are fully deductible to the extent of the law. See your tax advisor for guidance on deductibility.
© 2019 Caellah's Foundation Inc.